
Mantra Therapy First Aid Kit: Sound Therapy Survival Skills Everyone Should Know!

Just the other day a student in the most outrageously horrible situation I've ever heard (worse than a TV drama!) called to GUSH about how the Heart of Sound skills had changed their life and made it possible for them to navigate it with awareness, responsiveness, and grace.

In contrast, I've also seen situations devolve into unnecessarily tragic outcomes because people didn't have these simple sound survival skills that we teach in the Sound Yoga Training Course.

This Mantra Therapy First Aid:  Masterclass is my effort to distill the MOST...

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Panchakarma in India: What to Expect for your Ayurveda Detox Treatments

I’ve done pancha karma in India several times over the past 15 years. In this post, I tell you a bit about what getting panchakarma in India is *actually* like, and how to prepare for your Ayurvedic treatments in India.

Since I've lived in India on and off since 1997, one of the questions I get from people who want to learn nada yoga and mantra with me -- who know have gotten several panchakarma Ayurveda treatments in India and countless Ayurvedic massages -- are: 
"Where should I go for the best panchakarma in India?"
"What is panchakarma in India like"...

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What defines "Sacred Sound"? What's the best way to start?

The other day I got this question What defines "Sacred Sound"? in an interview and I LOVE IT.
For me, there is no sacred sound unless there is a connection to the spacious awareness of listening. To achieve this, one must have a sense of presence, awareness, and self-connection. The wonder and curiosity of deep listening, central to the practice of nada yoga, are essential to reaching this state.

When asked about the best way to start or the most powerful approach, I believe cultivating listening is something anyone can do.

Listening awareness is Sacred...

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Sound Yoga Therapy: Interview with Anandra

Recently I had the pleasure of doing a video interview with Daniel Aaron from The Art of Vibrant Living, and we got into some wonderful topics.

Sound and Mantra Therapy Conversation Topics:

  • Sound yoga therapy and nervous system self-regulation
  • Sound and music as a path of self-expression vs. sound as self-inquiry
  • Defining the interoceptive approach to sound yoga therapy, mantra therapy
  • What's the most interesting, powerful, effective way of using sound or being with sound for transformation...
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Panchakarma in India: The Best Packing List for Ayurvedic Treatments

I’ve done pancha karma in India several times over the past 15 years.

Some of the most common questions I get from people who want to learn nada yoga and mantra with me -- and from friends/family who know I've been visiting India for 25 years and have gotten several panchakarma Ayurveda treatments in India and countless Ayurvedic massages -- are: 
"Where should I go for panchakarma?"
"What is panchakarma in India like"
"How do I prepare? What should I bring for panchakarma in India"

Yes, people ask me about where to study mantra and nāda yoga in India,...

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