What defines "Sacred Sound"? What's the best way to start?

The other day I got this question What defines "Sacred Sound"? in an interview and I LOVE IT.
For me, there is no sacred sound unless there is a connection to the spacious awareness of listening. To achieve this, one must have a sense of presence, awareness, and self-connection. The wonder and curiosity of deep listening, central to the practice of nada yoga, are essential to reaching this state.

When asked about the best way to start or the most powerful approach, I believe cultivating listening is something anyone can do.

Listening awareness is Sacred Sound, Step 1!

Whether you're chanting, singing, toning, or humming, you can practice this anywhere and with anyone. It is fully within your empowerment at any time to listen more deeply. This is the essence of sound healing and sound therapy, where the vibration of sound helps in aligning the mind and body.

Attuning heart, mind, word & deed is Sacred Sound, Step 2!

Becoming aware of where your voice is coming from is crucial.

Using audible sound to trace from silence to full expression and back to silence allows you to explore the different levels of volume and the capacities of speech. This process helps to understand the discrepancies between our deepest desires, our thoughts, our words, and our actions. In mantra practice, the repetition of sacred sounds aids in this exploration and realignment.

Most people, including myself, are not in perfect attunement between heart, mind, word, and deed!

It's a constant process of reassessment and tuning.

Using sound healing therapy at different levels of volume, to trace the distance between silence and full expression can help in aligning these layers.

Exploring mantra practice, humming, or vocal exercises can create a feeling of integrity with these four layers: heart, mind, word, and deed, or embodiment. This marks the beginning of a nada yoga practice.

Nāda yoga is a daily attunement process without a final result, as we constantly need tuning. Just like our bodies need continuous breathing, attunement to a musical way of being with life, oneself, and others is a continuous dance, a journey of nuanced exploration. It's not a final destination.


Sound Healing Yoga Training Courses

If you want more in-depth training in nāda yoga and mantra, sound therapy certification, personal mentoring, and much more, join us online or on retreat in person! Most of all, we hope you’ll join our global community of chant lovers in dedicating your heart's voice to be an instrument of love and service in the world!

If you're ready for a profound home immersion and self-study program designed for your maximum empowerment, this is for you!

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Dive right in and experience the excitement with:

  • LIVE group practices online
  • LIVE skill sessions on ZOOM
  • LIVE 1-on-1 office hours with Anandra and teaching assistants
  • The option of doing hybrid local events, retreats, and study groups all over the world with our team of Heart of Sound teachers and 500hour graduates. 
  • And a whole lot more!

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