When you're facing a serious illness, such as a cancer diagnosis, you need a vehicle that's big enough to hold ALL. THE. FEELINGS. that arise and swirl and add stress to an already difficult time. Mantra can do that. And hopefully your treatments work wonderfully and you enjoy a long healthy life ahead!
But if the treatments don't work, and there's nothing left to do but prepare for departure... mantra therapy will still help. In my experience, sound healing is what the dying (and their families) wish for most.
Throughout my 25+ year career in the sound wellness field, I have been honored to be asked time and time again to provide mantra care for people. Sound healing therapy can be extremely helpful - on multiple levels - for people in all stages of disease, death and dying.
From this experience as a sound yoga therapist, and with feedback from patients and their families, I put together this FREE Sound Healing Mantra Care Package for Hospice Patients and their Families.
I hope you never need to use it. But if you do, it's here for you.
*Blog image from Rishikesh, India, where we're chanting peace mantras directly across the river from the funeral pyres.
For those in the final stages of life, pain can be overwhelming—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. A mantra is a simple yet profound anchor, offering a place for the mind to rest when the body is beyond comfort.
Importantly, it can act as a mental life jacket, keeping the person afloat in positivity when pain or fear become unbearable. Mantra meditation is a time-tested yogic practice that helps change the channel from negative rumination loops.
It's extremely effective for mental, emotional, and spiritual digestion, which is the natural task of someone at the end of life. There are often unspoken truths, relationship threads to untangle, and life lessons to resolve before passing on can be done in peace. Mantra can be an effective tool to support all of this.
The powerful healing mantra MahÄ Mį¹tyuñjaya (Om Tryambakam) in the free yoga of sound experience below is the best to use during this stage, because it is a poetic prayer to the "one who sees past present and future" to help free the chanter from the illusion that we are only the body.
It beautifully asks to remember one's eternal self while incarnated as the priority of life. The implication is that one should be allowed to remain in this body until one "gets it" and can then consciously reabsorb into the eternal without clinging tons of unfinished karmic, mental, emotional, spiritual and physical baggage.
Join Anandra for this nourishing sound-based yoga experience, live-streamed from the island of Kaua'i! Rest and receive or chant along as you wish. During this session, we'll chant one of the most powerful healing mantras, a 32-syllable Sanskrit poetic praise of Åiva, the MahÄ Mį¹tuñjaya. This is a beautiful mantra you can chant for yourself, and/or as an offering of support for others. We hope you enjoy this 20-30 minute guided mantra meditation experience!! If you're wishing to receive healing yourself, you may relax and enjoy it as a healing mantra sound bath. Newcomers wanting to learn the mantra will see the words on screen, and can learn it call-and-response.
At the moment when words and touch can no longer reach, sound remains.
The vibration of mantra is a bridge between the seen and unseen, guiding the awareness beyond physical form into pure presence. For those who are actively dying, it is less about sound healing in the way we might think—less about fixing, more about allowing.
The mantra in this recording serves as a carrier, holding them as they release into what is beyond. I recorded this song in Japan in 2014, shortly after a dear music teacher of mine left their body, and I was feeling their blessings reach from the beyond. I also felt the presence of my own father's blessings (who passed in 2008) without whom I would not have had the motivation to pursue my love of sound and mantra fully!
This mantra, Om Namo NÄrÄyaį¹Äya is appropriate for when the dying person is preparing to be reabsorbed into the infinite.
The grieving process is deeply intertwined with sound, and we naturally wish for some sensitive music to feel the fullness of our feelings and help it resolve into peace.
Families often express feeling disconnected from their loved one as they fade, and later, as they are gone. Chanting a mantra can be a way to stay connected through transition. Instead of focusing on absence, sound offers a tangible way to tune into the presence that still exists.
A mantra practice can help re-orient the relationship with the departed—not as a body that is no longer here, but as an essence that continues. The voice becomes the bridge, resonating with their "sound body" rather than their flesh and blood physical form.
If you or a loved one is in hospice care, or if you are navigating the tender space of grief, please accept this free Sound Healing Mantra Care Package. May it be of service in the moments where nothing else seems to offer the sweet connection to presence!
The NÄrÄyaį¹a song above in the process of being mixed and mastered by the sound engineer as my grandmother (my father's mother) was dying in 2015. I was able to get it to my aunts, and they played it on repeat as my Grandmother was dying. It held her passage, and their crying immediately after. If it resonates with you, it would be my honor for you to use it that way.
You can buy it on Apple Music or listen it on Spotify through my Japanese producer's account (if you don't want to deal with Youtube ads!): on Ayana Dake's Apple music page.
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