Is there a Right or Wrong way to Chant OM? (The Most Frequently Asked Questions Mantra Teachers Get)

All About Aum...

This blog post is adapted from a  mini masterclass all about Aum. that I taught recently,

Known as the mantra of all mantras, Aum carries immense therapeutic benefits and is a cornerstone of mantra practice, a sound healing practice, most yoga classes, and definitely kīrtans!

This post compiles some of the most frequently asked questions I've received about Aum in my 10 years of teaching teachers (and nearly 30 years of being a mantra nerd!), along with some of my practical insights on chanting.

What Is Aum?

Aum is an audible echo of an inaudible sound, the pulse of life itself. Chanting Aum is a way to bring yourself into synchrony with life’s heartbeat and to align your being with the transformative power of sound.

Frequently Asked Questions About Aum

  1. Is there a particular note that is best for chanting Aum?
    The best note for chanting Aum is one that’s comfortable for your vocal range. As a chant leader, I recommend starting on a note in the range of A to D, which generally works for both high and low voices. It’s equally important to pick a note that feels natural and comfortable for you.
  2. Should Aum begin on a lower note and end on a higher note?
    This depends on your intention. While it’s common to hear variations in tone, what matters most is that the chanting feels aligned and resonant for you.
  3. What’s the difference between Om and Aum?
    Om is often used for shorter, rhythmic chanting, while Aum represents the full breath meditation, emphasizing all components: “A,” “U,” “M,” and silence. The choice often depends on the context of your practice.
  4. What are the therapeutic benefits of Aum?
    Each part of Aum offers unique benefits. Chanting “A” expands, “U” moves forward, and “M” internalizes and seals. The silence after chanting allows absorption of the practice, creating a sense of unity and stillness.

4 Parts of Aum and their Therapeutic Benefits

  • A: Expansive and opening. Ideal for creative and emotional release.
  • U: Forward-moving and dynamic. Use it to focus and channel energy.
  • M: Sealing and internalizing. Perfect for grounding and nourishment.
  • Silence: A moment of absorption and rest, the culmination of the practice.

Is there a Right or Wrong way to Chant OM?

Short answer: NO (Despite what plenty of crusty holier than thou youtube gurus might tell you.)

Medium answer: How long you spend on each part of the Auṁ will affect which effects you feel. I don't think it's wrong to emphasize one or the other. (See above).

Longer answer: Okay maybe if you're just chanting it (at any volume) as a rote, mechanical activity and you're not LISTENING with AWARENESS to what's going on inside your inner experience. That wouldn't be "wrong" per se, but sacred sound is alive with listening... and if you're not using the sound as a tool to deepen your listening awareness, you're not going to "get it" and have the mystical communion experience that yogīs and saints wax poetic about all throughout the ancient sacred texts.

It's difficult to write about a sound is actually an inner experience of silence. LOL!

So much better if you come chant with me ;) and we'll experience the Heart of Sound together.

Check our free resources below, and join us LIVE for a chant session coming up soon!

Auṁ chanting Yoga of Sound Experience + mini-masterclass!

Aum is a powerful tool for inner alignment and transformation. By understanding its nuances, you can tailor your practice to meet your needs and deepen your connection to the mantra. Have a question about Aum? Let’s keep the conversation going in the comments. It makes much more sense to just make my next FREE Yoga of Sound experience be a mini masterclass on Auṁ!
Sign up for it here:

Is it Om or Aum?

The LIVE class will be FREE. If the recording is good, we'll post the replay and it'll be available by donation, though we'll offer an excerpt here and on our youtube channel. So if you want the FREE experience, and the chance to hang out afterwards and chat with our Heart of Sound community, be sure to attend LIVE!

Free sound healing and mantra training!

Discover the best sound yoga therapy, mantra meditation, and nada yoga FREE resources here:


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