
Is it OK to mix mantras? Do we risk cultural appropriation or misuse of mantra?

For chant leaders and mantra recording artists, the question of mixing mantras for chanting is one that has intrigued many, prompting inquiries about the permissibility of blending deities and languages in spiritual practice. For some, the idea of combining "oṁ namaḥ śivāya" with "wahe guru" in a single chant may feel intuitively right, but is it ethically sound? Let's delve into this complex topic, which I also cover in depth in my sound and mantra teacher training course.

Q. (From a graduate of our 500hr Sound & Mantra Training course who teaches mantra...

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Mantras for Peace 20 Minute Meditation for Harmony in Relationships

This Mantras for Peace 20 Minute Meditation for Harmony in Relationships is gold! Chant along with us as we collectively amplify our intentions for inner peace, global harmony, and personal well-being.

If you do it (chant along with us, that is - not just watch) you'll feel more uplifted, harmonious, and hopeful, guaranteed. Mantra is empowering sound medicine; it's most therapeutic when you chant along, either with the power of your mind, or the vibration in your voice (or both!)

The mantra we use is Lokāḥ Samastāḥ Sukhino Bhavantu, which you can find in our FREE...

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Learn How to Pronounce Sacred Sanskrit Sounds for Mantra Meditation - A Sneak Peek into our Best-Selling Online Course!

Do you LOVE mantra, but feel unsure if you're pronouncing the Sanskrit correctly? Have you been waiting for a course that's juicy, embodied, fun, and easy? 

It was HARD to keep this sneak peek (below) to under 12 minutes, since there are so many great learning resources we've put into place for our sound yoga trainees.

Learning Sacred Sanskrit Sounds will forever elevate your experience of mantra!

This One of a Kind Sanskrit Pronunciation Course Includes:

  • 20+ hours of video teaching with Anandra, a mix of live classroom teacher training footage and...

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Sound Healing for Burnout and Empathy Overload: Mental Mantra Massage

This free chant experience is specially designed as sound healing for burnout and empathy overload, offering stress relief, a mental mantra massage, and a heartwarming connection with our global community. Experience a nourishing sound-based practice with internationally respected Sanskrit mantra teacher and musician Anandra George.

In this Sound Healing for Burnout & Empathy Overload chant experience, you will:

  • Connect with a global community in a sound-based practice designed to nourish, regenerate, and cultivate resilience.
  • Learn how to use sound...
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Beginner Sanskrit Peace Mantras - Online Yoga of Sound Chant Experience

Each month Anandra offers a free, beginner-friendly, sound healing mantra chant experience. Here's a sweet medley of peace mantras...

Discover the power of beginner-friendly Sanskrit mantras and learn about nāda yoga, sound healing training, and strengthening your listening, empathy, and peacemaking capacity. Experience the benefits of a sound-based practice for subtle body hygiene and gracefully navigate life's challenges.

In this beginner Sanskrit mantra chant experience, you will:

  • Connect with a global community in a sound-based practice designed to nourish,...
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Sanskrit Mantra Training in Finland

Mantra lovers can now learn the Sanskrit sounds in Finnish language! Join our in-person / hybrid online format hosted by Oasis Turku.

If you use Sanskrit mantra for your personal meditation practice, or share Sanskrit mantra in your work as a:

  • mantra meditation coach
  • yoga teacher
  • nāda yoga practitioner
  • sound healer
  • kīrtan musicians

You can now learn Sanskrit sounds through Finnish language! Join our in-person / hybrid online format with internationally respected mantra and nāda yoga teacher Anandra George, hosted by Oasis Turku. This Sanskrit teacher training...

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Mantra is Potent Sound Medicine! A personal reminder of the healing power of sound & mantra!

I spent 6 hours in mantra meditation last week, attending a very traditional South Indian temple pūja at the magnificent Hindu Monastery on Kaua’i. (The same temple we'll visit during our upcoming Kauai Hawaii Mantra & Nāda Yoga Retreat)

I’m here to report the power of mantra, the far-reaching past-present-future benefits I feel from sitting in the forcefield of the sound vibrations!!!

To set the stage, let me tell you specifically how I engaged with the ceremony:
I had brought my mālā with me, knowing I’d want to do my own jāpa even as I kept my...

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Cultivating a Musical Response to Divisiveness and Existential Fear

Cultivating a musical response to the symphony of dissonant notes screaming for attention in our world right now is not a distant, poetic idea. It’s a tangible, practical skill. Uncomfortable, yes. Difficult, yes. Full of the mess of aliveness, yes. A swift and tidy spiritual bypass would be much easier. But leaning in to listen deeply, to feel what’s truly alive in us, can also make this moment resonant with hope and possibility.

Have you been tempted to write off someone in your life who has (or hasn’t) adopted a particular conspiracy narrative...

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Sanskrit, Mantra & Harmonium Resource List

After reading my free e-book on mantra yoga or taking one of my mantra courses, you’ve probably decided you want to make precise Sanskrit a part of your chanting practice. Then what!? MOST of the mantra information online is frustratingly not accurate.

Here is a precious list of resources I’ve collected for you. Over the years this post has become a catch-all for other commonly asked questions, like "How do I type in transliterated Sanskrit?" and "What harmoniums do you recommend?" We'll keep updating it for you as we can.



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