
What's the difference between a Mantra and an Affirmation?

I can't tell you how many people have asked, "What's the difference between a Mantra and an Affirmation?" It's such a great question, since the terms Mantra and Affirmation commonly get used synonomously when in fact they're distinct.

The word "mantra" has been appropriated for different usages. For instance, saying "I can do it" or "I'm good enough, I'm okay just as I am" are affirmations. These affirmations, when repeated, have a mantra-like effect as they help protect you from negative thinking or self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors.

However, the uniqueness of...

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What defines "Sacred Sound"? What's the best way to start?

The other day I got this question What defines "Sacred Sound"? in an interview and I LOVE IT.
For me, there is no sacred sound unless there is a connection to the spacious awareness of listening. To achieve this, one must have a sense of presence, awareness, and self-connection. The wonder and curiosity of deep listening, central to the practice of nada yoga, are essential to reaching this state.

When asked about the best way to start or the most powerful approach, I believe cultivating listening is something anyone can do.

Listening awareness is Sacred...

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The more you know, the more you know you donā€™t knowā€¦


The more you know, the more you know you don’t know… 

Is there any realm in which this is not true?


The longer you know someone, the more you realize that you have no idea what is really going on for them deep inside. They hold multitudes of mysteries, complex trauma, perceptual, differences, patterns, and habits built on foundations that you can never understand fully, because you have not lived at yourself.


Are used to think that learning how to chant, more mantras, sing more songs, do more complex, and longer chance meant that I...

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