
You can't argue with crazy! Top 10 ways it gets easier to walk away from an unhealthy relationship

A personal share, for anyone who needs to hear it today:
"You can't argue with crazy."
But it does get easier to walk away with a clear conscience, as I get older and wiser!

I grew up with a completely unstable, mentally ill stepmother for a few years of my early childhood. It was deeply terrifying to me. I remember having nightmares every night, where I had to walk through a tunnel made up of woven together writhing snakes. You know those looping dreams where it seems like you're in it forever? It was that kind of nightmare. There was a light at the end of...

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Traumatized by "Sound Healing" that feels like New Age Faux Spiritual Misappropriation?

This conversation may be music to your ears.

In February I made a "BIG ANNOUNCEMENT" on my personal Facebook page, and hundreds of people who know me and my professional background well chimed in. The comments are GOLD, and I wanted to share the perspectives in a series of blog posts so you, dear reader, could benefit. Perhaps you'll even find community in like-minded souls?

Here was the public announcement I made to my friends and followers:

I’m (finally) open to using the term “sound healing” to describe what I do. I have some conflicted feelings...

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Mantra is Potent Sound Medicine! A personal reminder of the healing power of sound & mantra!

I spent 6 hours in mantra meditation last week, attending a very traditional South Indian temple pūja at the magnificent Hindu Monastery on Kaua’i. (The same temple we'll visit during our upcoming Kauai Hawaii Mantra & Nāda Yoga Retreat)

I’m here to report the power of mantra, the far-reaching past-present-future benefits I feel from sitting in the forcefield of the sound vibrations!!!

To set the stage, let me tell you specifically how I engaged with the ceremony:
I had brought my mālā with me, knowing I’d want to do my own jāpa even as I kept my...

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Sound Healing Training Integrity: The Importance of Sanskrit Mantra and Nada Yoga Sound Therapy

In recent years, the field of sound healing has gained significant popularity, with numerous individuals seeking complementary therapies through the power of sound. Even the football players on season three of Ted Lasso are using mantra meditation to access their inner powers! This made me LOL, but it's for real... the power of sound and mantra has gone mainstream.

As a certified yoga therapist and member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, specializing in sound and mantra, I am deeply committed to upholding the principles of integrity within the...

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Nada Yoga in Australia: Embark on a Musical Journey w/ Sudhanshu Sharma

Prepare to be captivated by the mesmerizing melodies and musical wisdom of Sudhanshu Sharma as he embarks on his eagerly anticipated Nada Yoga tour in Australia!

A senior student of Pandit Baldev Raj Verma and a respected teacher of nāda yoga, Sudhanshu Sharma brings with him the rich musical traditions of the Indore Gharana. His nada yoga training workshops, concerts, and private lesson tour in Australia provides a unique opportunity for music enthusiasts and spiritual seekers alike to delve into the transformative power of sound and explore the depths of nāda...

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Mantra Sound Bath for Mother's Day

ICYMI attending our monthly free sound bath online yesterday, it ended up being quite sweet, with a Mother's Day-ish theme. Find a comfy spot and tune in for about 40 minutes! (Video below!)

My  personal goal was to make it richly textured with musical and mantra nuance, while keeping it atheist-friendly! (A simple sound experience for nervous system self-regulation and mental stability, y'all. No woo-woo.)

Why a Mantra Sound Bath?
In the realm of holistic wellness practices, sound baths and mantra meditation have gained popularity for their ability to promote...

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Money Health Day: Overcoming the Freeze Response!

Have you ever heard of a Money Health Day? It's something I've been (trying to) do once a month since getting turned on to FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) movement at the beginning of 2020.

As a teacher in the wellness space, I think investigating the "freeze / numb / collapse" response when it comes to money health is fascinating. On tax day (April 17, 2023 in the USA) I spent the day doing money stuff and was so excited about how different I felt about it (compared to 3 years ago) that I wrote this blog post.

I'm going to start blogging and teaching...

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5 Reasons Why Sound Healers Need Better Training in Mantra & Nāda Yoga

Ok, it's time for what feels like (another) big announcement: I'm (finally) open to using the term "sound healing" in association with my work training teachers in mantra + nāda yoga.

My long-time friends and colleagues are heavily divided on whether or not I should tackle training sound healers. Some think it's great. Others say they'd run the other way if they didn't know me and the quality of my professional integrity already, once they saw the words "sound healing" on my mantra & nāda yoga courses!

I WAS WRONG. I'M SORRY: I've been on a high horse about it,...

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Unplug Meditation: A Mantra Sound Bath

Join us to experience a nourishing sound-based practice with Anandra.

Our goal for this month's session is to invite you to totally "unplug" from the source(s) of your stress, so you can rest, relax, rejuvenate, and replenish in the yummy heart of sound vibration. Expect dreamy tanpura sounds and long slow tones that gently caress the subtle tension points in your heart/mind/body, layered with rhythmic Sanskrit mantra repetition to establish you in a steady, safe, sweet groove for whatever the rest of your day requires of you.

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Mantra Sound Bath: Top 10 Elements of Sound Healing with Mantra Meditation

For over a decade, when people ask me what I do, I’ve told them something like, “I teach mantra meditation and the yoga of sound and voice.” And people say, “Oh, like sound healing and sound baths and stuff?” And my response is always, “Sort of… let me explain…” and then I distinguish my niche as a sound yoga pioneer within the global yoga community, and the depth of my training and practice in the tradition of nāda yoga and Sanskrit mantra.

But the words sound healing and sound bath are (for better or worse)...

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