Abundance in ALL Forms

Online Mantra Meditation Course
Start anytime!


Abundance in ALL forms is our natural state!

This profound mantra practice is not taught at other Heart of Sound retreats or teacher trainings. It can close the gap between "you" and the dynamic life-force of nature itself, the source and substance of all abundance. The pulse behind these particular mantric sounds can be considered the very essence of tantric non-duality. Make no mistake... this practice is a doorway into embodied mastery; the key is your own sincere engagement.


"AMAZING meditations!! From day one I have felt changes in my body especially, but my energy level has significantly risen, my definition of abundance is already changing and every morning when I wake up so far, I feel such a deep level of gratitude, peace, excitement for what’s to come in my life, etc. So awesome! "

Rose White
Nurse Practitioner

With a consistent practice, you may experience:

  • A sense of overflowing inner fullness that is not dependent on external, transient factors
  • Enough abundance to express your purpose and share with others the way you want to
  • Ease in relationships ~ current, past, and future
  • Vibrant health, strength, energy, and vigor
  • Overflowing knowledge, insight, and understanding
  • Success in aligned endeavors

Result Reports from Previous 40-Day Participants:

"I realize I had trained myself to set the bar low. I am allowing myself to feel what it feels like to want things and experiences that will support my highest destiny."

"I am pleasantly surprised how much easier this is then mindfulness meditation. It feels so natural. My mind is filled with light!"

"I don't get as worked up about things. I'm not getting emotionally involved."

"Things are starting to happen, without me even asking for anything! I just enjoy sitting in the resonance of the mantra, and an unusual number of new clients are appearing all of a sudden!"

"It's nice to know that it is in my power to create peace, rather than reacting!"

"I feel a richness to the present moment more than ever before. I have abundance in knowing how much I have. I am not worrying that I need to be doing something else; all my "have to's" are dissolving. It is such a satisfying richness, this incredible simplicity."

"Since starting this practice, I am enjoying the moment. I don't get angry or upset. I am focusing on my life, self-care, affirmative thoughts, and doing the best I can."

"I am feeling abundance in the form of self acceptance. Previously I was very self-critical. Now it seems easier to remind myself that I am perfect the way I am."

"I used to get lost in my head, instead of feeling the love and connection with others and the All. Now I am feeling that connection most of the time."

"I'm feeling really supported to be in my most authentic path! I'm very aware, and I am studying what creates more flow, and what blocks, within myself. I'm getting much more honest with delight fun and play."

A Perpetual Invitation

Your challenge to yourself is to chant the mantra every day for 40 consecutive days. Start anytime! (or re-start, if you miss a day!)

The course is designed to completely support your self-paced practice but with plenty of engagement with experienced mentors and community if you want it. We'll connect via:

  • Ongoing personal support via our Heart of Sound online community 
  • The option of signing up for 40 days of daily email tips on mantra meditation practice & how it empowers your desired life transformation
  • The option of one-on-one private sessions with Anandra

"The chanting practice has completely changed my relationship to money and my personal resources like time allocation and energy. I used to barely scrape by, but after putting in 6 months of dedicated chanting, last week I was even talking about buying in investment property! Also, I have all of these awesome projects, workshops and clients falling at my feet and I’m putting no effort into that side of my life. I am really, really grateful for the flow of life and for your contributions to that, Anandra!"

George Weiss

How it Works

  • Enroll and get immediate access to the materials
  • Start your 40 days of mantra meditation anytime
  • Go through the online course materials at your own pace
  • Join at least 4 LIVE calls offered during the 40 days when a live group is running
  • Connect in the community forum to meet others doing the same practice

Your Commitment

  • A minimum of 20 minutes of mantra meditation daily for 40 days
  • To dedicate the fruits of your long-term practice for the benefit of all beings
  • To tithe, gift others, and/or volunteer regularly during the 40 days

Are you ready for a profound expansion?

Your Instructor

Anandra (Heart of Sound Founder) offers the primary course content in the many instructional videos and hosts the live teaching calls.

She has been doing this mantra as her personal practice on and off for over 10 years and has taken hundreds of people through a 40-day process with this mantra.

From Anandra:

"As this practice continues to ripen within me, I am humbled and awed by the flow of benevolent revealing and concealing grace on a daily basis. The magnificent play of love of creator as creation astounds me. While I happily concede that the more I know, the more I know I don't know, I am grateful to share an intimate practice with you. It's a glimpse into that primal love dance that I experience as the source of abundance in all forms.”


Very Important Clarification:

This 40-day program is not about doing mantras to get what you want. There are plenty of YouTube gurus who teach that route if that’s what you’re interested in. In other words, for those of you familiar with the Ayurvedic terminology, it is not the rājasic use of mantra, it’s a sāttvic approach. It IS about practicing mantra to harmonize your whole being with your true and natural state which can be described as consciousness, bliss, and infinite potential. Our group is focused on integrating True Self at every level. We’ll practice repeatedly energizing the Truth embodied in the mantric sounds, which harmonizes our being at a causal level. Our intention is to attune with that exact frequency of abundance that serves our highest life purpose…not more, not less. In Ayurvedic terms, it is a sāttvic immersion in the mantra.

Pricing Options



Full participation

Permanent access to extensive online course learning materials





Full participation

Permanent access to extensive online course learning materials


Result Reports from Previous 40-Day Participants:

"I feel like bursting out in song and skipping down the path!"

"I have the ability to notice the direction of my mind quicker. Not to get entirely consumed with it."

"Interesting insights into deeply entrenched patterns"

"It's sensual for me... I feel turned on by the flow of life force"

"Had so many lovely things come to fruition that I felt were so out of reach!"

"Doing it with a group feels abundant in itself"

"The mantra is resounding in me, comforting, beckoning me to trust"

"A lot of ancient wounds and insecurities are surfacing that I need to see"

"I really feel the power of being taught a mantra by someone w/a deep relationship with it"

Learning Materials

You'll benefit from compiled wisdom and practice advice from Anandra's 25 years of personal practice, 13 years of teaching, and 8 years of teaching teachers.


  • More than 15 videos totaling hours of teaching
  • Specific Sanskrit pronunciation instruction for optimum resonance
  • Best practice advice for mantra meditation
  • Complete support for your home practice that considers every aspect of the yoga of sound
  • Wisdom on a range of experiences you may have during your 40 days
  • Bonus meditation visuals from power spots in the Himālayas to complement the mantra vibration



  • Recordings of the mantras
  • A variety of drone sounds to create your ideal sonic environment


  • Practice Preparation Checklists
  • Journal Prompts
  • An altar card with written mantras in proper IAST transliteration and Devanāgarī
  • Word-by-word meaning and poetic translation
  • Ayurvedic lifestyle guidelines to enhance your practice

Course Outline


Orient yourself to the spiritual and practical details of doing a 40-day mantra meditation.

  • Hear the backstory of this mantra and Anandra's personal experiences in 10 years of practice.
  • Learn how to engage effectively with the course materials for maximal transformation.
  • Take a pre-course self-assessment of your mental health and stress levels to contribute to mantra medical research.

Week 1: The Fundamentals

Get started by setting your intention for the next 40 days and learning the mantra in detail.

  • Learn the Sanskrit sounds by video in exquisitely nerdy, sensual detail.
  • Print out beautiful written mantra for your altar, and download Mp3 files to help you get into its soft rhythm.
  • Learn about additional preparatory mantra practices (optional)
  • Align your heart, mind, word, and deed with your purest intent.

Home Practice Resources

Set up your sacred space for ideal resonance and make the most out of your practice.

  • Download your choice of background drone audio sounds or learn how to use a tānpūrā app.
  • Tune into the graceful abundance of nature with specially recorded audio and video from the holy Ganges river in the Himālayas.
  • Print out journal prompts, daily practice checklist to mark your progress through 40 days.
  • Follow Ayurvedic lifestyle guidelines to enhance the subtle effects of your practice and support your physical body during the increased mantric fire.

Week 2: Refine Your Practice

Take your practice to the next level with a wealth of wisdom videos from Anandra 

  • Learn how different volumes of chanting create different effects.
  • Tickle your bliss points consciously with the predominant sounds in our main mantra.
  • Empower yourself by cultivating your own precise, subtle exploration of this practice.
  • Fall in love with your mantra time as communion (in other words, don't "should" on yourself!).
  • Get practical tips on fulfilling your 40-day commitment to your Self.

Week 3-4: As the Mantra Penetrates Deeply

The intimacy this mantra engages us in can be both blissful and terrifying.  In the videos, Anandra offers a series of sensitive, straight-talk advice for what actually happens when our commitment takes us deep.  In the live call, Anandra will answer any questions you might have about your deepening practice.

  • Sigh deeply with acceptance for your stubborn resistances as Anandra talks you through the special terror of falling in love.
  • Relate with wisdom to mid-practice doldrums and other ups and downs you might be experiencing.
  • Deeply consider the paradigm you're approaching your practice from, and whether it can become more sustainable.

Week 5 and Beyond: Embodying A New Paradigm

40 days is just the beginning of what might become a go-to lifeline of inner connection, nourishment, and support. Anandra will discuss how to integrate a regular daily practice into your life.

  • Align yourself with key frameworks for putting your expanded experience of abundance into action.
  • Consider how to pay it forward and support the source culture for these practices.
  • Take the post-course assessment and compare your own results.

Current & Aspiring Teachers

Continuing Education: If you're a Yoga Alliance registered teacher, this online course is eligible for 15 hours of continuing education.

Requirement: If you're considering the Heart of Sound 200-hour teacher training, this online course fulfills the online 40 day mantra meditation requirement, too!


Frequently Asked Questions

Other than your pure intention to pour any benefits from the practice into love and service, no! ;)

Anyone and everyone is welcome to experience this practice with no prior mantra or Sanskrit knowledge necessary.

You'll have access to the materials for as long as we're in business. :)

Yes, as long as you remember to fill out the Journal Prompts (downloadable in the course materials) to track your experience.

You will upload this document when it comes time to complete the training. (We leave it to you to honestly complete the consecutive 40 days.)

This is a bonus feature for those who are Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT) with Yoga Alliance. Once you've completed the course you can login to your YA account, search for the course in their registry, and add the course and your hours. Once Heart of Sound has received a confirmation request, we can confirm your CE hours. 

Please email [email protected] for any other questions.

Once you are registered and have paid for the course and at any time during your participation in the course, there are no refunds given. 


50% Complete

Two Step

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