🌿 You want to feel 10 years younger after 21 days!
🌿 You love the power of sound and mantra and want to settle in to a profoundly transformative 21-day deep chant experience
🌿 You’re ready for a DEEP reset and rejuvenation in your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies
🌿 You’ve got old patterns you’re ready to purge: liquefy, mobilize, bye-bye, and resonate your inner shine!
🌿 You’re willing to allow layers upon layers of “doing” to relax into “being”
🌿 You want to experience the magic of authentic Kerala panchakarma detoxification with Anandra’s trusted doctor friend of 15 years (not a hotel spa treatment - the real deal with real results)
🌿 You enjoy being surrounded by tropical birdsong and flowers, ancient jungle energy, and the echoes of the yogī saints
🌿 You relish lazy afternoons, journaling, keeping company with kindred spirits often in silence, and eating simple delicious locally grown food prepared with love
🌿 You connect with the Goddess energy and want to bask in daily communion with the Queen of Queens… Rāja Rajeśwari (Lalitā)
🌿 You’re ready to make a vocal/creative/musical breakthrough… for your inner voice to match your outer voice… and blossom in new and wondrous ways!
6:00 (optional) Auṁ chanting before dawn with the āśram community in the main hall)
7:30 - 9:30 Heart of Sound deep chant session [don’t miss this!] in our private meeting room
10:00 Brunch
11:00 - 13:00 āyurvedic panchakarma treatment session (warm oil massage, śirodhara, dry herb scrubbing, etc.) [don’t miss this!]
13:00 - 16:00 rest
13:30 tea is served in āśram
15:30 - 17:30 (optional) gentle yogāsana or walk around the lake to the animal park and elephant sanctuary nearby
18:00 Dinner
18:30 (optional) Lalitā pūja in the Rāja Rajeśwarī temple
20:00 (optional) satsang with āśram community in the main hall
15 years ago I really wanted to try panchakarma because I had heard about people’s miraculous results with it. Since I was in India studying music, I went to a place I had heard about in Kerala.
The lodging was lovely and the people were nice, but the treatments were WEIRD (I didn’t realize then how culturally inappropriate it was to have a horny man rubbing me down daily. His spicy onion breath just about knocked me out!) and the doctor totally gaslighted me when I got zero response to the purgation day, so I left after 12 days and had to start over.
Luckily I found Dr. Vishnu, who is still a dear friend to this day. The treatments at his clinic are really high quality, the oils are great, and the food is so homey and delicious. I’ve done treatments there several times, always with great results. It’s easy to waste time and money on bunk treatments (like I did) so I’m really happy to facilitate bringing folks to Dr. Vishnu’s clinic for a panchakarma + chant retreat!
Read my blog post Panchakarma in India: What to Expect for your Ayurveda Detox Treatments to find out more!
ANANDRA'S PANCHAKARMA BLOG POSTRegistration for early bird pricing now open!!
February 1-21, 2026, sign up NOW to secure your spot at the best price! Early bird pricing through June 1st. Scroll down for package deals with the teacher training too! Submitting payment indicates you agree to our cancellation and group health policies, plus please read the Financial Transparency section to see the additional costs involved (all in FAQ below).
Retreat tuition
Sanskrit Mantra 101 online course ($199 value)
Extensive course materials (print, web, audio & video) for your ongoing home practice.
See Financial Transparency in FAQ below for additional costs for Treatment & Accommodation to be paid to the āśram upon arrival
Retreat tuition
Sanskrit Mantra 101 online course ($199 value)
Extensive course materials (print, web, audio & video) for your ongoing home practice.
See Financial Transparency in FAQ below for additional costs for Treatment & Accommodation to be paid to the āśram upon arrival
Buy the Online Teacher Training along with the India Retreat and save BIG! Start working on the teacher training now to get the most out of our time together in India. February 1-21, 2026. Sign up NOW to secure your spot at the best price! Early bird pricing through June 1st. Submitting payment indicates you agree to our cancellation and group health policies, plus please read the Financial Transparency section to see the additional costs involved (all in FAQ below).
Need a payment plan? Contact us for a payment plan for the Online Teacher Training + India Retreat package deal.
This Panchakarma & Deep Chant Immersion will be held at Śivānanda Yoga Vedānta Dhanvantari āśram in Neyyar Dam, Kerala, nestled in the tropical splendour of South India.
For all queries regarding accommodation, dietary needs, location etc., please see the āśram's own website for info: https://sivananda.org.in/neyyardam/
Feel free to look around their website to get a feel for the place and the types of rooms available.
Dr Vishnu has blocked all of the single and twin share rooms closest to the panchakarma centre for us for our dates. They are the best and quietest rooms available! AC is not very relevant because we're not there during the hot season and it's contraindicated to use AC during panchakarma anyway.
You shouldn't need to contact the āśram directly, however if you do, know that whoever happens to answer your email or call is highly unlikely to know anything about anything. That is as true today (well in advance) as the day prior to your arrival. It’s just the way they are, with their young mostly volunteer staff. They have a thousand people coming in and out every month. They’re very much concerned with today, not February 2026! They won't deal with us until we're physically there.
What I know from experience:
USD 12
USD 12
Twin share common bathroom
USD 15
Twin share private bath
USD 19
Single common bathroom
USD 21
Twin share with AC
USD 23
Everyone coming on this retreat in India is advised to adopt a “go with the flow” attitude and generally trust that Indian hospitality (especially as Anandra’s group visiting her old friend Dr. Vishnu for treatments) is going to take care of you.
There’s not much more we can say right now about details, but we have opened registration so folks can make their schedules and plans.
Arrive to TRV Trivandrum International Airport (Thiruvananthapuram)
February 1, take āśram-arranged taxi 45 minutes to our magnificent jungle healing home for the next 3 weeks.
Rest and sleep, drop in to any of the āśram activities
18:00 Dinner & Orientation
18:30 (optional) Lalitā pūja in the Rāja Rajeśwarī temple
February 2-3
2 days to land and prepare
7:30 - 9:30 Heart of Sound deep chant session [don’t miss this!] in our private meeting room
10:00 Brunch
11:00 - 13:00 Queue to meet with the Doctor for diagnosis and to get your program for panchakarma
13:00 - 18:00 Get settled in and recover from jetlag: take part in the āśram schedule, take a walk, do some shopping, etc.
AND/OR Hang out with friends, study and practice music in our private meeting room
18:30 (optional) Lalitā pūja in the Rāja Rajeśwarī temple
[TBD Sudhanshu’s Indian Classical Music concert and/or Heart of Sound kīrtan for the āśram one evening at 8PM]
February 4-17
14 days of panchakarma (typical daily schedule prioritizing our chant sessions + āyurvedic treatments, see main page above)
February 15 Mahā Śivarātri
The āśram holds an all night vigil for the great night of Śiva and through Anandra's connections to the leadership, our Heart of Sound 200/500HR grad chant leaders should be able to lead sessions for the 300-500 people in residence in their great hall. What an amazing, auspicious opportunity!!!
This should fall after the purgation day; if you wish to lead something that night, we recommend you start your PK as early as possible to be sure you're integrating by that night.
February 18-20
3 days of integration
7:30 - 9:30 Heart of Sound deep chant session [don’t miss this!] in our private meeting room
10:00 Brunch
11:00 - 18:00 Hang out with friends, study and practice music in our private meeting room, take part in the āśram schedule, take a walk, do some shopping, etc.
18:00 Dinner
18:30 (optional) Lalitā pūja in the Rāja Rajeśwarī temple
[TBD Heart of Sound kīrtan for the āśram one evening at 8PM]
[Small groups may wish to take day trips to the beach, visit elephants, or other nearby attractions.]
February 21
Depart from āśram
Early bird prices available NOW: $2500 before June 1, 2025
Non-refundable deposit of $500
See cancellation policy for more details.
Heart of Sound Chant Retreat Tuition and retreat organization cost is due to Heart of Sound in advance.
This covers:
Treatment cost is approximately $500, due February 1, 2026 to Śivānanda Institute of Health (upon arrival, credit cards accepted)
Room cost ranges from $300 - $800 and is due to Śivānanda āśram (upon arrival, credit cards accepted)
Most lodging rooms, our private meeting room, your treatment room, the dining hall, and the grounds in general have staircases you’ll need to walk up and down in order to participate in the schedule. Some accommodation can be made for wheelchairs, but generally it is not a very wheelchair friendly place.
For more information on the āśram, see their own website here: https://sivananda.org.in/neyyardam/
India Cancellation Policy:
There is a non-refundable $500 administrative fee. Students will receive a 75% refund of remaining tuition if requested 120 days or more before the retreat training, and a 50% refund if requested after 120 days. No refunds will be issued less than 60 days in advance.
Venue Change for Unforeseen, Last-minute Events:
In 2020 we had to move our India retreat teacher training online because a global pandemic was declared. Obviously we'd all hate for that to happen again! But if some major unforeseen event were to happen again that put everyone's safety at risk (i.e. a new major COVID variant of concern (as defined by the WHO); a heatwave, earthquake or other climate-related danger; or political unrest with Pakistan or China, etc.) we will refrain from meeting in-person and instead meet online. By sending your registration payment, you agree to this aspect of the cancellation policy as well.
Health Consideration Agreement:
We hope that respiratory illnesses will be low at the time of the retreat and we can enjoy singing freely together! (without covering our mouths and noses)
In order to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone, we'll consistently err on the side of caution.
We will consistently err on the side of caution, meeting or exceeding current official government guidelines and recommendations from leading epidemiologists to protect the vulnerable among us.
The retreat can only meet its potential if everyone remains healthy! If serious illness is spreading, it puts a huge damper on our time together.
HOS Community Health Agreements
-Wear a mask in the retreat house if community spread is high
-Wear a mask around other retreat participants, in your room with your roommate, and in the retreat house at all times, if you feel the slightest bit sick.
-Stay in our retreat bubble and mask up when in close contact with people outside our bubble
-Take meals “to go” and eat outdoors or in your room if risk is high
-Remove yourself from the practices altogether if you are feeling ill or have virus symptoms (fever, cough, sneezing, etc.)
We will have you sign the liability waiver before the retreat training.
Anandra George PO Box 922 Kilauea, HI 96754
Read this Agreement carefully.
Assumption of Risk: I have voluntarily applied to participate in the retreat, training, class or workshop to include yoga, mantra, physical training activities and counseling/mentoring in which I have registered. I am voluntarily participating in this activity with the knowledge of the numerous risks and dangers involved, which include but are not limited to: dangers and risks inherent in doing yoga, a physical activity and traveling to India; negligence in any manner on the part of Anandra George; emotional trauma; disfigurement; temporary or permanent disability, including paralysis; death; acts of God; the hazards of traveling in remote, unsafe or politically unstable areas or under unsafe conditions; the dangers of civil disturbances and war; forces of nature; transportation failures; equipment failures; accident or illness in remote places without access to medical facilities, transportation, or means of evacuation and assistance; unexpected events; terrorist activities, social or labor unrest; mechanical or construction failures or difficulties; diseases; local laws; climatic conditions; abnormal conditions or developments; or any other actions, omissions, or conditions outside of Anandra Georges’ control.
I understand that all travel arrangements to and from India are my responsibility and at my own cost. Anandra George and agents shall not be held liable for any consequences arising from delays or cancellations in any of the companies I have made arrangements with, or for any irregularities in my documentation required for travel. Transfers to/from the retreat are at my own cost, unless otherwise specified.
I acknowledge that yoga, mantra, physical training, activities and counseling/mentoring in high altitudes entails known and unanticipated risks which could result in physical or emotional injury, paralysis, death, or damage to myself, to property, or to third parties. I understand that such risks simply cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of the activity. The risks include, among other things: Acute Mountain Sickness(AMS) which can further escalate to High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE) or High Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE); exposure to the natural elements can be uncomfortable and/or harmful; exposure to potentially dangerous wildlife, insects, plants, falling rocks, landslides, accidental slips and falls on snow, ice and mountainous sections is also a possibility.
Furthermore, I understand Anandra George agents are qualified, but have difficult jobs to perform. They seek safety, but they are not infallible. No one can predict the weather, the elements, the terrain or altitude sickness with 100% accuracy. I am cognizant of the basic safety rules and instructions concerning these yoga, mantra, physical training activities and counseling/mentoring activities. I also understand that I am responsible for the safety and good operating condition of any equipment while I use such equipment.
Preparation: I assume full and complete responsibility for physically preparing for the yoga, mantra, physical training activities and counseling/mentoring as prescribed in the eligibility criteria of the activity. Representation of good health: I certify that I am in good health, have no medical, mental, physical conditions that affect my ability to travel and/or participate in the retreat, training, class or workshop has not been advised otherwise by a medical practitioner. I acknowledge that Anandra George is in no way responsible for any costs related to my medical care during or after the retreat. Training, class or workshop.
Release of Liability: As lawful consideration of, and as part of the payment for, the right to participate in the retreat, training, class or workshop, and as part of the payment for the services arranged for me by Anandra George or her agent, I HEREBY EXPRESSLY AGREE TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MY OWN WELFARE AND ASSUME ALL OF THE ABOVE RISKS, INCLUDING BOTH THOSE KNOWN AND UNKNOWN TO ME.
As lawful consideration of, and as part of the payment for, the right to participate in the retreat, training, class or workshop, and as part of the payment for the services arranged for me by Anandra George or her agent, I HEREBY EXPRESSLY AGREE TO RELEASE, DISCHARGE AND HOLD HARMLESS FOREVER Anandra George, affiliated entities, employees, agents, representatives, officers, directors, associates, volunteers, successors and assigns from and against any liability, actions, causes of actions, debts, suits, claims and demands of any and every kind and nature whatsoever which I now have or which may hereafter arise out of or in connection with the retreat, training, class or workshop with Anandra George.
I AGREE THAT THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL SERVE AS A COMPLETE RELEASE AND EXPRESS ASSUMPTION OF RISK for myself. It is my intention to fully assume all risks associated with this retreat, training, class or workshop and to release Anandra George from any and all liability to the maximum extent permitted by law.
Indemnification: I further agree to “indemnify” (meaning to defend and to pay or reimburse) Anandra George against any claim by any person, including minors, arising in whole or in part from an injury or other loss suffered or caused by me in connection with the expedition or my participation in the retreat, training, class or workshop. Agreement with the safety protocols on the retreat, training, class or workshop I understand that there are chances that I may feel the effects of altitude sickness and oxygen deprivation while on this retreat. I am aware that the trainer may deem it unsafe for me to continue doing yoga, mantra, physical training activity or counseling at any time, and arrange for me to descend to a lower attitude.
I understand that I have been advised that travel insurance is highly recommended, but not required. If I choose to buy insurance I will make sure that the travel insurance covers the activity of this retreat as well as unexpected cancellation, sickness, losses and all the usual risks. I will bring the policy with me in case of an emergency.
Knowing and Voluntary Execution: I have carefully read and understand the provisions and legal consequences of this agreement, and I hereby agree to all of its conditions. I agree that if any portion of this agreement is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect.
I understand that in calculating the cost of the retreat, training, or workshop, Anandra George has relied on my consent to these terms and their enforceability. Without this agreement, Anandra George would not be able to offer these services. I agree that execution of an electronic transmission of this agreement shall be deemed execution of the original agreement.
I agree that electronic transmission of an executed copy of this agreement shall constitute acceptance of this agreement.
Further, I release Anandra George (and agents) to utilize images and/or video of me for use in promotional or teaching materials.
______I require Anandra George to check with me before using my image/video.
______Anandra George may use images/video of me per her discretion.
Yes and no.
Our primary purpose of gathering is to enjoy our practices together.
There is a training element, as multiple levels of teacher trainees will be present and growing their skills.
However, no foundational lectures or basic skills classes will be offered during this retreat. The core curriculum for the Heart of Sound training is much more effectively offered online, where trainees can absorb at their own pace.
If you review the schedule above, you'll find several opportunities to nerd out with fellow trainees and get support from Anandra and the teaching team.
If you're currently enrolled in the (online) teacher training, this will be an extraordinary delight!
If you wish to get teacher training level content, please enroll for the Online Teacher Training now and get a head start before arriving to India.
We'd recommend getting to at least Phase 8 of the Self-Study Map for the 200hr program before arriving to Kerala.
Note that internet may be unreliable and slow in India, so don't plan to be able to access streaming video content or download large files.
Yes! We would love to have you attend the retreat only. You will have lots of free time in the schedule to enjoy jungle āśram life.
To make the most out of the practices during the retreat training, we request that you complete the following prior to attending:
Please refer to the Self-Study Map for the certification requirements for your level of training.
This retreat offers an opportunity to attend group practices and count those towards your hours.
If you wish to self-motivate to do so, you may also do buddy practices, chant experiments, and present your practicum in small groups with other students. We envision a rich environment of learning as trainees try out their leadership skills on each other!
We'll provide OFNR feedback forms if leaders wish to get feedback (required for final practicums).
We'll provide signup sheets for the time slots on the schedule, and you'll be responsible to self-organize with other motivated students.
200hr trainees at the stage of final 30-minute practicums, or 300hr trainees at the stage of 2nd 45-minute or final 90-minute practicum should sign up in plenty of time for someone on the teaching team to be present to observe and give feedback.
There is no additional training cost for currently enrolled online TT students to utilize the in-person retreat for their group practice attendance + practicum requirements.
We offer monthly free Yoga of Sound chant experiences and always hang out afterwards to chat. That's probably the easiest way to connect.
Register for the next event here!
Be sure to take the Prep Course as many of your questions (and lots you never thought of) are answered there.
Or book a Training Discovery call to chat or email [email protected] with any questions.
One of Anandra's other hidden talents (aside from cheesy mantra jokes) is travel hacking.
Are you still paying out of pocket for travel? You might want to get empowered and check out her blog post: Travel Hacking Genius: Fly Free to our Kaua'i or India Retreat!
Most relevant for those from the US who would like to travel hack their way to India for the retreat!!