Mentorship Circle

Small Group Sessions with Anandra

A year-long commitment to embodying of the yoga of sound in daily life and service. 

NEW circles starting soon!

Do you love the Heart of Sound teacher training... but yearn for sustained, in-depth personal support in real world application?

Full-length private sessions with Anandra - in the presence of a small, committed group - are a chance to penetrate to the heart of an issue to experience:
-Intricate, intimate, systemic unraveling of non-serving patterns.
-Integrated embodiment of your full aliveness with musicality, grace and celebration.
NEW circles in starting soon to suit various worldwide timezones!

"The chance to be the listener was really remarkable. EVERYTHING that was shared by each person in focus was relevant to me. I can’t put into words how that has changed me! I feel so connected, curious, and engaged. How I show up to my life and my relationships has totally gone to the next level during this Mentorship Circle year."

Casey Coda
Worked at YogaWorks, Los Angeles California

Mentorship Circle FAQ

CLICK IMAGE to view 5 minute video with Anandra

"Looking back four years ago to when I did the Mentorship Circle with Anandra, I can see how it helped me unravel the deeper-held knots. The change wasn’t flashy or quick, but it allowed me to make bigger, long-term changes because the work was so profound. Being held in such an all-embracing, supportive group container helped the process unfold in a way that was surprisingly effective. I highly recommend it!"

Marla Mangla Pelletier
Owner at, USA

Coaching with Anandra

With over 20 years of experience as an international transformational teacher and coach, Anandra empowers clients into a fully embodied experience of the raw power of love in service.

She has been a mentor and confidante to sustainability startup and Fortune 500 executives, venture capitalists, philanthropists, artists, thought leaders, high court judges, and inspired change-agents in every professional sector, ethnicity, religion, and gender identity… quietly helping them attain personal mastery.

Learn more about Anandra beyond the Heart of Sound teacher trainer role on the Press page.

A Year-long Guided Mentorship Circle

Deep community connection with a circle of excellent humans committed to humble learning and full aliveness!

Themes we'll be exploring in our monthly sessions:

  • Individually fine-tuning our sound-based practices to resonate full embodiment of the divine archetypal qualities of the Sanskrit mantras and rāga realms.
  • Negotiating our very human tension points with humility, wisdom, and compassion as we explore our growth edges.
  • Tapping the root of authenticity with our voices and our expression of Self in the world; an ongoing personal inventory of integrity between the 4 levels of speech.
  • Listening beneath the knee-jerk defenses of our trauma patterns, softly singing our hidden wounded selves into safety, support, and healing in order to become curious for new learning.
  • Using the lens of our sound-based practice to dismantle patriarchal, hierarchical conditioning in our approach to our own lives, our relationships, our sexuality, and our service to the world... to embody a new, evolving paradigm of love in action.
  • Applying empathetic listening practices in our real-life relationship scenarios, building skills for harmonious relating where it counts the most in our intimate relationships.
  • Crafting our life's service in alignment with our deepest values. Tuning into new, resonant possibilities for our lives and businesses, and unraveling the systemic self-limitations at the root... family systems, karmic patterns, soul lessons.
  • Receiving attuned 360-degree reflection, and care-full penetrating questioning into key tension points for our evolutionary growth.
  • Full embrace of autonomy, choice, and acceptance for the "no" that often arises when we approach our growth edges. We will not make spiritual growth a violent competitive sport, make value judgments about each others' choices, vie for an authority figure's attention/approval, or compare ourselves to others.
  • Group requests for themes are also welcome! This circle is for YOU.

"I’m really loving this work with you–it’s like very targeted turbo-therapy. You are a truly wise, smart, not-holier-than-thou, tapped-in guide. Thank you."

V.R. (Confidential Client)
Published Author

How it Works

  • Enroll and you'll be invited to vote on the timing for the monthly scheduled sessions.
  • All meetings are online.
  • Connect in the community forum to meet others in the small mentorship group, share your insights, and ask your personal questions.
  • Schedule your 1:1 with Anandra anytime.
  • Circles are limited to 11 people, so one person each month can get in-depth attention.

The Circle

Each 2-2.5 hour session will roughly follow this outline:

  • Invocation - a brief meditation to harmonize together
  • Check-in - an invitation to speak what's alive in you and receive silent empathy (20 minutes ON camera)
  • Individual support - a private session for one member with the small group present (80 minutes OFF camera)
  • Reflection - capture of insights and takeaways (20 minutes ON camera)

Your Commitment

  • Participate actively in the LIVE sessions whenever possible.
  • Indulge in regular sound-based yoga self-care for a year (even if only 10 minutes per day)
  • Self-manage the level of practice that's reasonable and appropriately transformative for you.
  • Follow the Group Agreements for confidentiality
  • [OPTIONAL] Schedule regular times with a buddy in the Mentorship Circle to practice the HOS empathetic listening tools and complete enrichment activities.

Expected Results

  • A steady personal sound-based yoga habit + intimate group connection + guidance from Anandra should result in significant inner growth over the course of the year.
  • See testimonials to learn what others gained from previous years.

"Recently my life was turned upside down and has been a roller coaster ever since. Without the Heart of Sound tools I wouldn’t have understood it or have been able to cope as well as I am now. It is an astounding experience full of love, sorrow, acceptance, surrender, healing and union. It really is a divine miracle that has helped to consolidate my spiritual work. My life will never be the same."

Sally Hutchinson
Associate Teacher at Sound Healing Academy


If you've had some Heart of Sound training before, go ahead and choose your package. If you have not taken any training in our Tantrik approach to sound-based yoga, but wish to participate in the Mentorship Circle, please read the FAQ about qualifications and contact us to apply before making your payment. Thank you!





  • 12 Monthly 2-2.5 hour group sessions
  • Two 60-minute private 1-on-1 sessions with Anandra to use within the year.





  • 12 Monthly 2-2.5 hour group sessions
  • Two 60-minute private 1-on-1 sessions with Anandra to use within the year.

Prefer Totally Private Sessions?

Need a Scholarship, Trade, or Deferred Payment?

We offer generous alternate payment arrangements for ALL of our Heart of Sound courses! However, mentorship sessions with Anandra are not eligible.

Real Examples from Previous Mentorship Circle Session Themes:

Since starting the Mentorship Circles in 2021, it has been incredibly humbling and inspiring to hold space for such a wide variety of what challenges life serves up. To get the list below, I went through a few of my session notes, captured the person's words about what they wanted to explore in their session, and (to protect anonymity) I asked ChatGPT to summarize the themes. How we explored and found new possibilities within each of these complex, difficult tension points is longer, more nuanced story... but here is what our community of sound lovers is dealing with in real life:

  • Breaking free from martyrdom in caregiving roles.
  • Impostor syndrome: guilt and identity struggles around being a healer while facing personal health challenges.
  • Reclaiming creative joy blocked by inherited trauma.
  • Navigating perimenopausal hormonal changes and emotional rollercoaster.
  • Finding authentic self-connection after years of focusing on career success.
  • Empathizing with the inner critic while going through cancer treatment.
  • Grieving multiple personal losses and life changes.
  • Navigating new diagnoses of ADHD and autism spectrum processing.
  • Insights into family trauma patterns after parents’ long-term marriage dissolution.
  • Balancing needs for space and connection in intimate relationships.
  • Healing from past abuse while learning to set and maintain boundaries.
  • Yearning for community after leaving a high-demand group.
  • Seeking meaningful connection with a dying parent.
  • Reconciling public persona with private struggles of anxiety and depression.
  • Learning to express opinions and desires after years of suppression.
  • Preparing for difficult conversations with partners using empathetic listening.
  • Transforming ongoing marital tensions with fresh perspectives.
  • Healing from past people-pleasing behaviors and reclaiming personal power.
  • Releasing shame and embracing antidepressant use despite community expectations.
  • Distinguishing between trauma freeze and spiritual acceptance after war-related PTSD.
  • Managing complex family dynamics after a parent’s death.
  • Exploring gender identity and easing into authentic social expression in a supportive circle.
  • Processing anger and betrayal from a toxic guru.

Frequently Asked Questions

All alumni and currently enrolled students of Heart of Sound teacher training courses are welcome!

  • Attendees of a 5-day Retreat into the Heart of Sound
  • Alumni of the 200hr RYT (whether you completed certification or not)
  • Currently enrolled students of the 200hr or 500hr teacher training.

If you have not yet taken at least a 5-day Retreat into the Heart of Sound, please write a few paragraphs about your familiarity with the Heart of Sound skill constellation and why you'd like to be accepted.

(Note that basic skills training for the Sanskrit, mantra, and nāda yoga practices we'll be refining and applying throughout the mentorship can be obtained through the TT-level online courses.)

This mentorship circle is meant to apply the sound-based skills into daily life; we will not take time to teach the skills.

Those without a background in the whole Heart of Sound toolkit who wish to be considered for acceptance will want to enroll in our 200hr TT program online, to get the maximal benefit.

We'll start a new circle with small group sessions when 8 people are enrolled.

We usually have multiple concurrent circles grouped into similar timezones.

The monthly live sessions are 2 - 2.5 hours in duration and will be scheduled by consensus. Don't worry... we'll find a time during waking hours for everyone. Though you may have to accommodate your schedule a bit to fit the global circle, the monthly calls for your group will not be scheduled during your middle of the night!

Usually we have multiple concurrent circles grouped into similar timezones. For example:
4pm Hawai'i time session could include - India, Thailand, Japan, Australia, NZ, Hawai'i, Western US
7:30am Hawai'i time session could include - UK, Europe, Middle East, Americas

All sessions will be recorded and shared within 24-48 hours of the live call whenever possible.*

If you know you won't be able to attend a particular upcoming session, questions can be submitted in advance via email for discussion.

*PRIVACY POLICY: The entire 2-2.5-hour session recordings will be shared ONLY with your circle.

Some portions where only Anandra is speaking or teaching may be recorded separately (with only her face in view), and may be edited and used for other purposes.

What if I want to cancel my participation in the mentorship group?

The mentorship group is a commitment for one year. Since there's a limited number of spaces available, once we've begun, we won't be able to give refunds.

However, if you wish to transfer your remaining participation to a friend who meets the criteria for inclusion, and the rest of the circle unanimously agrees to accept the new person, you may email us for a special exemption.

What if I need to cancel or reschedule my private session?

Please reschedule using the Calendly link.

Please give 24 hours notice if you need to reschedule your appointment.

If you give less than 24 hours notice, you will be charged for the session.

It's recommended that you schedule your first session shortly after booking the mentorship circle.

Private sessions must be scheduled during the mentorship year.

You'll be encouraged to match up with a buddy or triad in the mentorship group. 

This is not for "accountability" as in a typical mentorship group, but for support, reflection, empathy, and encouragement.

You're highly encouraged to connect with regularly in person or via phone, ZOOM, FaceTime, etc.

The buddy system is self-managed and is not monitored by HOS staff.

No. While you're welcome to schedule additional private time with Anandra if you're a course student, mentorship sessions are not required.

Yes. If you're a registered yoga teacher and need to claim continuing education, at the end of the mentorship year you may submit 24 hours of training on your Yoga Alliance account.


You're welcome to refer friends to private sessions with Anandra. However, unlike our many Heart of Sound courses where affiliates can earn cash or credit, private sessions are not eligible. No payments will be made for referrals, nor can accrued affiliate program credits be used towards private sessions.

Yes, most likely.

You'll want to double-check with your tax preparer, but if you are in the wellness industry this course would probably be considered continuing education for professional development and be 100% deductible.


Sacred Sanskrit Sounds Scholarship Application

We invite you to apply for a full or partial scholarship If you come from a country with undervalued currency (i.e. Nigeria, Indonesia, Panama), or from historically underprivileged backgrounds.