
There's nothing quite like our Heart of Sound global family!

63+ countries. Ages 8-88. EVERY gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation. Only LOVE.

Meet Rozetta, a non-profit director from America


"The Heart of Sound is literally the sound of LOVE in a felt, embodied, experiential way. I thank you with all my heart for lifting me up with such skill and compassion!"

Casey Coda
Yoga Therapist, America

"The Heart of Sound experience is like a grease and oil change for the mind, body, and soul."

-Richard Weiss, retired dressage trainer from Australia

"I used to need mantra as a lifejacket to keep from drowning in my negative thoughts. Now I have a rowboat! Not only am I confident I can stay healthy myself, I can help others."

-Ayana, wellness business owner from Japan

Meet Martijn, a singer and actor from Holland


"The online course is beyond amazing and has been such a lifeline for me this year, as COVID ravaged through my family & community in India!"

There have been so many "A-ha" moments it's hard to know where to begin... but wow, the practices! This beautiful, clean, tingling space in my cells and outside them – a sound body much larger than I knew – and it’s all home.'

- Sumakshi Singh, artist from India

Meet Jason, a professional dancer from America


"Coming from India and having a primary bruise with Sanskrit, I was looking for something magical. What I found strikingly beautiful was the focus on pronunciation and quality of sound, which of course are indispensable, and also the intention with which a practitioner should approach the mantras. I have no hesitancy in saying that I found your utterance of these mantras as one of the most beautiful and authentic, and quickly touching the heart."

-Vivek Kumar, (center) writer and poet from India

The fullness I've experience through the Heart of Sound is so profound that even radically negative life events don't diminish it. I am able to feel the feelings... the fear, or the sadness... but the tension makes me appreciate the resolution, like in a rāga. For this practical proof of my deep transformation I am immensely grateful.

- Aleah Gandharvika, musician from Germany

Meet Tamara, a yoga therapist from America


"WOW, what a life-changing journey into the magic of Nāda Yoga! Whether it is due to the beautifully crafted and integrated wisdom teachings, or due to the expertise, competence and presence of Anandra herself, it is difficult to say. But for sure, you have to be ready for the depth of this training to receive the full flow of grace; it is by no means an average yoga teacher training. No short-cuts are taken for the sake of personal convenience; Anandra has invested 108% of herself in promoting this teaching. Why? For the benefit of all humanity, as sound is medicine of the future."

Kādambarī Mā
singer and spiritual Renunciate, India

Meet Demar, sign language teacher from America


Meet Wendy, retired naturopath from Australia


Our 350+ global grads of the 200/500HR Teacher Training are doing amazing things! Including offering IN-PERSON training/events which you can count for YOUR OWN 200/500HR training!

Want to hear more sound & mantra lovers like you?

Hear what our trainees say on youtube!

Want to connect with our crazy wonderful sound-loving community?

Visit the Courses page to join our online community, an online course, mantra meditation group, retreat, or teacher training soon!


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