
Travel Hacking Genius: Fly Free to our Kaua'i or India Retreat!



You may or may not know that I'm a super nerdy travel hacking geek in addition to being a mantra nerd! My sister and I got smart about it earlier this year and we've gotten 1,000,000 bonus miles between us, just by spending what we normally would on our lives and businesses.

Maybe you've got money flowing in abundance (yay you!) but if you're like most people (like me anyway!) and want to do your favorite things but have to be careful about finances, I want to turn you onto the FIRE community and the concept of travel hacking.

I already feel like I'm winning...

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Healthy Airplane + Voice Care Travel Hacks

My healthy airplane travel / travel voice care routine includes: 

  • Wearing a mask at all times on the flight not only keeps viruses and germs away, it keeps the air I breathe more moist. Great for immunity + vocal care!
  • A drop of Thieves (or Doterra OnGuard) oil inside the mask and under my nostrils
  • A drop of sesame oil or ghee inside each nostril periodically throughout the flight, whenever my nose gets dry
  • Drinking LOTS OF WATER with EmergenC (500 ml for every hour in the air, ideally)
  • Walking around the airplane and stretching regulary. (I book an aisle...
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