
Panchakarma in India: The Best Packing List for Ayurvedic Treatments

I’ve done pancha karma in India several times over the past 15 years.

Some of the most common questions I get from people who want to learn nada yoga and mantra with me -- and from friends/family who know I've been visiting India for 25 years and have gotten several panchakarma Ayurveda treatments in India and countless Ayurvedic massages -- are: 
"Where should I go for panchakarma?"
"What is panchakarma in India like"
"How do I prepare? What should I bring for panchakarma in India"

Yes, people ask me about where to study mantra and nāda yoga in India,...

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Resilience Recipe: Magic Mung Soup

With life being pretty full on right now, I want my immunity and mental and emotional health to stay in tip-top shape so I have more quality presence to give.
Whenever I’m feeling a little sluggish, I do a few days of mung soup. It’s a warm, oily, and fulfilling way to clear the accumulated sludge!
I find the warm, slightly spicy soup to be great for my nervous system and because it's great for my digestion, it improves my overall vitality, which is great for my vocal health too! Sort of like panchakarma in a bowl, except it only costs...
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