
Sound Healing for Burnout and Empathy Overload: Mental Mantra Massage

This free chant experience is specially designed as sound healing for burnout and empathy overload, offering stress relief, a mental mantra massage, and a heartwarming connection with our global community. Experience a nourishing sound-based practice with internationally respected Sanskrit mantra teacher and musician Anandra George.

In this Sound Healing for Burnout & Empathy Overload chant experience, you will:

  • Connect with a global community in a sound-based practice designed to nourish, regenerate, and cultivate resilience.
  • Learn how to use sound...
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Calming Trauma with Mantra Sound Bath: Nurturing Resilience after Calamity

Join Anandra and our special guest, Cameron, for a super relaxing and awesome sound-based yoga session with Bansuri Flute! We live-streamed this experience all the way from the beautiful island of Kaua'i.

Don't worry if you're new to this. Beginners are totally welcome! You can either rest and receive the soothing vibes or join in and chant along if you feel like it. We really hope you have a fantastic time during this 20-30 minute guided mantra meditation experience!

We crafted the theme for this month's FREE online event as a Mantra Sound Bath...

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