
Sound Healing for Burnout and Empathy Overload: Mental Mantra Massage

This free chant experience is specially designed as sound healing for burnout and empathy overload, offering stress relief, a mental mantra massage, and a heartwarming connection with our global community. Experience a nourishing sound-based practice with internationally respected Sanskrit mantra teacher and musician Anandra George.

In this Sound Healing for Burnout & Empathy Overload chant experience, you will:

  • Connect with a global community in a sound-based practice designed to nourish, regenerate, and cultivate resilience.
  • Learn how to use sound...
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Completing the Stress Cycle - Burnout & Emotional Digestion

In their book Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle, twin sisters Emily and Amelia Nagoski (sex therapist and singer, respectively) brilliantly cite evidence-based research on stress.

One of the key points they elaborate on is the difference between eliminating a stressor and completing the stress cycle. Completing the stress cycle means letting it run all the way to the end so it’s not getting trapped in your body. 

Shoutout to yogīs who have thousands of years worth of "existing data"! Yogīs already know that “the issues are...
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