Mantra saved my life: Suicide prevention sound therapy

The only reason I travel!

Outside of Frankfurt today someone threw themselves in front of a train.
So I’m an hour late to my destination.

Or a decade late, if we might have had a chance to help them feel connection, hope, empowerment, and that warm feeling of okay-ness that spreads from within… when the mantra sounds are tuned in to listening sensory pleasure and the voice vibration is massaging the heart.

Travelling is tiring and can be overwhelming. There’s nothing in the world I really want to see, no food I really want to taste.
But people, I want to touch the hearts of people with mantra and nada yoga.

Sound healing mantra therapy is what motivates me to travel:

  • The tears in someone’s eyes when they thank me for teaching them a tool they KNOW deep in their being will help them.
  • The “mantra saved my life” stories I hear, and the look in their faces when they get to tell me in person. Knowing that I played an important part in that.
  • The smile blooming across the face of someone who no one has seen smile in years.
  • The sound of love alive in the room when a chant group connects to their self-shining voice. The looks of wonder… “Did you feel that too!?! OMG!” 

“Mantra saved my life” is something I hear A LOT. I’m profoundly grateful to be able to share the sound healing medicine of mantra as a life jacket to save us from drowning in negative thoughts. (Beyond that, it’s a tool for profound life changes as we attune with reverence to archetypal Sanskrit sounds! But that’s for another day - when we’re not stressed, scared, overwhelmed, and grieving.) I spent YEARS developing extensive free gifts and training, and I encourage you to check it out.

I ❤️ mantra!
It is sound healing therapy that can:

  • Regulate the nervous system out of stress and into rest.
  • Tone the vagal nerve to greater resilience so you can bounce back fully from life’s brutal blows.
  • Change the channel on the vicious troupe of monkeys in your mind, attacking your sense of Self.
  • Give you a lifejacket when you feel you are drowning in negativity.
  • And SO much more.

When I asked dear @caseycoda (because she tells me all the time) “Would you be willing to share how the sound-based practices have helped you with depression and anxiety on camera?” she enthusiastically agreed and this is what she said:

“And so the sound, the sound practices literally are a very powerful tool in regulating my nervous system.
There are days where my natural state (I think is kind of a pretty sparkly person) is out of sorts. I feel like I lose my zest for life. And that feels terrifying.
Sometimes when I wake up, I feel terrified because I feel so scared and both scared and overwhelmed by life and also overwhelmed by the simplest tasks.
And my brain knows if you’re challenged by deciding what clothes to wear and brushing your teeth and washing the dishes and the most simple everyday tasks… it feels like I’m challenged by even that. How am I going to thrive in the way that I want to?
💓 And then I can use my sound tools and it will completely shift.💓
I’m not saying it fixes everything and not saying that at all, but I’m saying that it will change my nervous system such that I’m seeing through a different lens and I have energy moving in my body and the color comes back and the dots are connected in my brain. And then I feel like a healthy, capable, curious, interested person again. I feel like my normal sparkly self.” @caseycoda 

Mantra Therapy First Aid Sound Yoga Mini Masterclass Replays AVAILABLE NOW!

Sound Survival Skills EVERYONE Should Know!

During tough & tense times, what is the skillstack you need to move towards the best-case scenario vs. default to the worst possible outcome?


Free Sound & Mantra Training Resources:

Anandra and a team of global chant-loving volunteers have poured their hearts into these free training courses for you! Start Your FREE Sound and Mantra Training Today!

Sound wellness resources for you to enjoy nada yoga, sanskrit mantra, sound healing yoga therapy, kirtan chant & many more! Our approach is neither dogmatic, nor superficial... it is empowering, directed within, deliciously nuanced and overflowing with pleasure!

🎁And a chance to WIN of the $500 sound yoga therapy assessment + mantra course

  • Share your biggest takeaway from the free mantra & sound training course you signed up for on IG and tag
  • Share a story of when sound & mantra helped YOU tag 
  • Email us with your biggest takeaway and we'll count that as an entry too. :)  


Sound is empowering medicine!

A little skills training, philosophical and scientific understanding, and sensitivity to cultural appropriation are necessary if we hope to develop its potential in our lives. That's why Anandra created the Heart of Sound courses! Many are totally free.

Learn more about sound healing yoga, mantra meditation, and nada yoga here:

☎️ Feel free to book a call if you're curious about any of the above! We look forward to chanting with you again soon. :)


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