A mantra and nada yoga chant retreat on Kaua'i is for you if…

Calling all chant lovers!

We’re gathering on Kaua’i, my home island of 27 years, to retreat into the Heart of Sound.

This retreat is for you if:

🌟 you feel like you’ve lost touch with what it feels like to be perfectly tuned and in a good rhythmic flow

🌟 you want to reconnect with your love of sound, music, mantra and singing for your pleasure (not for anyone else)

🌟 there’s a dissonant gap between your potential and the life you’re living, and you want to bring it into harmony

🌟 you crave a space and time for yourself to listen deeply to your heart, to hear clearly what Life wants to live through you

🌟 you have physical/emotional/mental/spiritual digestion to catch up with, in order to be light, clear, resonant and free

🌟 you love chanting but get cringy around cultish dogma, dull unskillful mantra, and peppy entertainment kīrtans - you want to stop skirting around the superficial and DIVE DEEP into the FULL TRANSFORMATIVE POWER of sound 🔥

🌟 you are on the verge of a breakthrough, and want to sing yourself into full embodiment

🌟 you want to lean into play, spaciousness, rest, and drink in the healing power of nature in her glorious tropical abundance

🌟 sound and mantra is your happy place, and you want to saturate in it with kindred spirits

🌟 enjoying simple āyurvedic nourishing local organic food is music to your body and soul

🌟 you feel the pull towards sharpening your vocal healing and mantra toolkit so you can affect transformation in your life & for others

🌟 you yearn for a community where you can be all of you, feel the full spectrum of being alive, and be embraced



🤯 Chant experiences that will change your life means:

  • There is NOTHING else like chanting with HOS fam in person!!!
  • To be with fellow chant lovers giving their all to the most important part of the day... a luxurious full length sound yoga experience. Beyond words!
  • Personal reflection & coaching with me to catapult your sound & mantra practice into profound new depths.
  • Direct, integrated embodiment of how sound can reset, restore, rejuvenate and reverberate your highest potential!

👇 Watch our Kaua'i Chant Retreat Over The Years 👇

"I really had a great experience from it all, it really inspired me and lit me up and just made me feel really, really whole."

✨ Let’s make your dream of immersing in sound & mantra training in Hawai’i come true! 🎶⁠

We’ve got SUPER AFFORDABLE lodging options newly available for our⁠

Kaua’i Mantra & Chanting 7-Day Sound Rejuvenation Retreat

So many people have told me that chanting with me on retreat has been THE MOST PROFOUND EXPERIENCE OF THEIR LIFE.⁠
And here’s a BONUS: This retreat counts as for our 200-300-500 hour Yoga Alliance teacher trainings online – and you can save $$$ by bundling the retreat with training! ⁠

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