Top 10 Unpopular Insights into Sound Yoga Therapy, Mantra, Kirtan & Sound Healing

Yep, you read that right! Here's a collection of some of my slightly shocking, radically empowering views on the current state of all things sound and mantra, kīrtan and nāda yoga, vibrational sound healing therapy etc.

1. Radical analogy about Sanskrit anatomy (and why you don't want to miss out!)
2. Why I don't play the guru card?
3. Is kīrtan a cringy word for you?
4. My mantra "OH S*^T!" moment that changed my life
5. I am not the Sanskrit police but I DO want YOU to FEEL the SOUND
6. 50 years of chanting and a Sanskrit PhD but never had a mystical connection experience?
7. Have you ever been to a "sound hurting" (that was advertised as a "sound healing")?
8. I don't have a mantra album because...
9. Did someone tell you NOT to sing? That you're tone deaf? Your voice doesn't matter?
10. The worst thing a chant lover can do is sign up for a Sanskrit course.
11. 10 reasons Heart of Sound is a 1-of-a-kind visionary evolution in sound training
(atheist friendly, not culty or dogmatic or religious, evidence based mantra therapeutics, smashing the patriarchy one shining voice at a time, etc.)

I've got WAY more than 10 unusual views LOL!

After 25 years of living, studying and teaching in India & worldwide, I've seen some gnarly weird crap and been around the block in the wellness world, the yoga and chant scene, the India ashram scene, etc. But I keep coming back to the power of sound, direct embodied experience (over "should" and "have to" and other performative approaches) and I see how profoundly sound and mantra enhances our lives!

I'm deeply committed to the pursuit of excellence in the field of sound therapeutics, and progress in the art of chant leadership!

Sound medicine is in it's infancy in the medical field, but there's a 5,000 year old tradition in yoga. If we can only decouple the heavy overlay of religious dogma, cringy cult power dynamics, and oppressive patriarchal choking off of full sensation... we're onto something JUICY and GOOD with exploring the full transformative power of sound!

Sound is empowering medicine!šŸŽ¶

A little skills training, philosophical and scientific understanding, and sensitivity to cultural appropriation is necessary, if we hope to develop its potential in our lives. That's why Anandra created the Heart of Sound courses! Many are totally free.

Learn more about sound healing yoga, mantra meditation, and nada yoga here:



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