Mantra & Nāda Yoga Retreat

1-7 September, 2024 in Neumünster, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

PLUS 💓 Summer of Sound Love Tour Schedule!! 💓


This sound yoga retreat in Germany is for you if:

🌟 you've forgotten what it feels like to be perfectly tuned and in a good rhythmic flow

🌟 you want to reconnect with your love of sound, music, mantra and singing for your pleasure (not for anyone else)

🌟 there’s a dissonant gap between your potential and the life you’re living, and you want to bring it into harmony

🌟 you crave a space and time for yourself to listen deeply to your heart, to hear clearly what Life wants to live through you

🌟 you have physical/emotional/mental/spiritual digestion to catch up with, in order to be light, clear, resonant and free

🌟 you love chanting but get cringy around cultish dogma, dull unskillful mantra, and peppy entertainment kīrtans - you want to stop skirting around the superficial and DIVE DEEP into the FULL TRANSFORMATIVE POWER of sound 🔥

🌟 you are on the verge of a breakthrough, and want to sing yourself into full embodiment

🌟 you want to lean into play, spaciousness, rest, and drink in the healing power of nature in her glorious abundance

🌟 sound and mantra is your happy place, and you want to saturate in it with kindred spirits

🌟 you feel the pull towards sharpening your vocal healing and mantra toolkit so you can affect transformation in your life & for others

🌟 you yearn for a community where you can be all of you, feel the full spectrum of being alive, and be embraced

Non-musicians and musicians, introverts and extroverts, and bodies of all shapes, abilities, genders, ages, religious backgrounds, nationalities and walks of life are welcome.

This retreat counts as attendance hours for our 200-300-500 hour Yoga Alliance teacher trainings online. Plus we have a German speaking cohort starting in 2024. Package deals are available to buy both the retreat & the teacher training together, saving you $$$!⁠


Dieses Retreat ist für dich, wenn:

🌟 du vergessen hast, wie es sich anfühlt, perfekt gestimmt und im guten rhythmischen Fluss zu sein

🌟 du dich wieder mit deiner Liebe zu Klang, Musik, Mantra und Gesang für dein Vergnügen (nicht für andere) verbinden möchtest

🌟 es eine dissonante Lücke zwischen deinem Potenzial und dem Leben gibt, das du führst, und du es in Harmonie bringen möchtest

🌟 du dir Raum und Zeit für dich selbst wünschst, um tief in dein Herz zu lauschen und klar zu hören, was das Leben durch dich leben möchte

🌟 du physische/emotionale/mentale/spirituelle Transformation suchst, um leicht, klar, resonant und frei zu sein.

🌟 du das Chanten liebst, aber von kultischen Dogmen, langweiligen ungeschickten Mantras und peppigen Unterhaltungs-Kīrtans abgeschreckt wirst - du möchtest nicht an der Oberfläche kratzen, sondern TIEF in die VOLLE TRANSFORMATIVE KRAFT des Klangs eintauchen 🔥

🌟 du kurz vor einem Durchbruch stehst und dich in die volle Verkörperung singen möchtest

🌟 du dich nach Spiel, Weite, Ruhe sehnst und die heilende Kraft der Natur in ihrer ganzen Fülle in dir aufnehmen möchtest

🌟 Klang und Mantra dein glücklicher Ort sind und du diesen mit Gleichgesinnten teilen möchtest

🌟 du den Drang verspürst, dein vokales Heilungs- und Mantra-Werkzeugset zu schärfen, um Transformation in deinem Leben und für andere zu bewirken

Das Retreat ist eine freudige Partnerschaft zwischen Anandra und Aleah Gandharvika, im schönen Familien-Āśram von unserer lieben Christina Sangita am See in Neumünster, Schleswig-Holstein.

❣️ Es sind nur noch 5 Unterkunftsplätze im Retreat-Haus frei, sichere dir JETZT deinen Platz! ❣️


Chant Retreat led by Anandra George & Aleah Gandharvika

Anandra (Heart of Sound Founder) and Aleah (Heart of Sound graduate, kīrtan musician) are collaborating to offer this retreat.

Learn more about Anandra on About Us, or watch interviews on YouTube. Connect with Aleah at

Aleah started learning with Anandra in 2018 and hosted a training in Germany in 2019. They've sung together many times on stage in India and Germany! It's a joy to collaborate further and offer this Heart of Sound retreat in 2024.

Heart of Sound Retreat Typical Outcomes

What to Expect Day 1-7 and beyond

Excitement and nervousness, knowing a profound experience is available to you soon!

Thrill and curiosity as you do the Sanskrit Sounds 101 prep course (4-5 hours) and feel how unique Anandra's approach is to sound & mantra. 

Day 1
Settle in, calm your nervous system, begin to feel safe in the heart of the sound and listen in to what is truly alive in you.

Day 2  
Deep digestion of the accumulation in your mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies especially. A sense of relief at what feels like a purge, a lightening of the load in a profound way. 

Day 3 
Joy and lightness, luminosity, as your true being begins to shine through your voice with less hindrance than ever before. Radiant smiles blooming across your face unconsciously.

Day 4
Lots of laughter as the connections with kindred spirits ripen. A deeper sense of settling into empowerment as direct personal insights into the power of sound yoga prove to be consistent.

Day 5
Wonderment and gratitude at the ease of profoundly whole sense of Self + Spirit + Life. Unravelling and unburdening from perfectionism.

Day 6
Notes of longing as you realize it's almost over. Deep savoring of the preciousness of the practice and the community. Anchor the concepts and skills for ongoing personal empowerment.

Day 7
Celebration of integrity between heart, mind, word, and embodiment. Confident return to "normal" life, equipped with a strong internal pathway of connection to the unbroken songline of your deepest, truest self: the living pulse of the heart of sound itself.

Post-retreat [for 200/500HR teacher trainees]
A sense of relief as you dig deeper into the treasure chest of online practices, transformation topics, skill refinements, etc. (it's not over, it's just the beginning!)

Renewed inspiration and motivation to refine your own practice (and chant leadership, so those in your sphere of influence can benefit also).


"The Heart of Sound is literally the sound of LOVE in a felt, embodied, experiential way. I thank you with all my heart for lifting me up with such skill and compassion!"

Casey Coda
Yoga Therapist, California

Mantra & Nāda Yoga Retreat: What You'll Learn

Imagine communion with sound, mantra, and friends in a heavenly lakeside location, with healing home cooked food and plenty of time to just be.


Find your heart's voice and sing in our daily devotional mantra and music sessions!

You'll experience sound as a vibrant connection to Self, and understand how it transforms all aspects of your being.


Learn sound-based yoga skills to begin, refine, or enrich your home chanting practice!

Our practices support you to develop voice culture, Sanskrit mantra pronunciation, and a musical response to life.


Listen to what's deeply alive in you as you tune your precious body instrument.

You'll practice tools for self-regulating your nervous system for physical, emotional, and mental health.

💓 Summer of Sound Love 💓

Chant w/ Anandra & Heart of Sound family July-September 2024!

Before the retreat, join us at a festival or event near you! All events count towards your teacher training requirements!

  • July 24-28 Caia Tribe Gathering at the Lebensgarten Steyerberg -
    an inspiring eco-village in the Nienburg/Weser district in Lower Saxony,
    about an hour's drive from Hanover and Bremen, Germany.
  • August 2 Mantra Sound Bath at Sita TaraBerlin, Germany.
  • August 6 Mantra Sound Bath and
    August 7 Mantra Wisdom for Modern Yogis Workshop
    at Oasis Studio, Turku, Finland. 
  • August 11 Mantra Yoga Flow: Surya Namaskara for ALL Bodies and
    August 12 Mantra Wisdom for Modern Yogis Workshop
    at Studio1, Pforzheim, Germany.
  • August 14-18 Xperience Yoga Festival with Aleah Gandharvika
    at Yoga Vidya, Horn-Bad Meinberg, Germany.
  • August 24 Mantra Concert with Aleah Gandharvika
    at Yoga Festival Braunschweig, Germany.
  • August 25 Mantra Concert with Aleah Gandharvika
    at Burchardikloster, Halberstadt, Germany. 
  • August 27 Kirtan with Aleah Gandharvika & Friends
    at Yoga Vidya, Horn-Bad Meinberg, Germany.
  • Sept 1-7 Heart of Sound Lakeside Rejuvenation Retreat
    with Aleah Gandharvika in Neumünster, Schleswig-Holstein,
    40 mins from Hamburg, Germany.

Sound Yoga Retreat Location

We'll be retreating into the heart of sound through mantra, kīrtan, nāda yoga, therapeutic sound healing techniques at a dear friend's beautiful lakeside retreat house in Neumünster, Schleswig-Holstein.

Only 4 Beds Left!

Join fellow sound-lovers from all over the world...

Sound Yoga Therapy Teacher Training

Continuing Education: If you're a Yoga Alliance registered teacher, this retreat fulfills your annual requirement of 50 hours of continuing education.

Teacher Training: If you're enrolled in the Heart of Sound 200/300/500 hour online teacher training, this retreat fulfills 50 hours towards your certification requirements. You may also team up with other trainees for optional, self-guided buddy practices and fulfill additional requirements.

German speakers: Our NEW German speaking cohort for the teacher training will be starting in 2024. Understand English, but want to practice in German? If you're ready for a profound program designed for your maximum empowerment, this is the Yogalehrer-Ausbildung for you!

Package deals are available to buy both the retreat & the teacher training together, saving you $$$!



Register NOW to secure your spot. Scroll down for package deals with the online teacher training too! Submitting payment indicates you agree to our cancellation and COVID policies (in FAQ below).



Retreat tuition

Sanskrit Mantra 101 online course (value $199)

Extensive course materials (print, web, audio & video) for your ongoing home practice.

Yoga Alliance teachers are eligible for 50 continuing education credits.

200/300/500hr Teacher Training students fulfill 50 hours of TT requirements with this retreat.




All meals (value €230)

Shared accommodation in retreat house (value €240)

If you would prefer to stay in private accommodation we can provide you information on close by AirBnBs and small hotels, walking distance from the retreat house. 



Buy the Online Teacher Training along with the Germany Retreat and save BIG! Start working on the teacher training now to get the most out of our time together on retreat. Submitting payment indicates you agree to our cancellation and COVID policies (in FAQ below).



200hr Online Teacher Training
Germany Retreat Tuition 
(accommodation & food separate, see above)

Save $200!!




500hr Advanced Online Teacher Training
Germany Retreat Tuition
(accommodation & food separate, see above)

Save $500!!




300hr Advanced Online Teacher Training
Germany Retreat Tuition
(accommodation & food separate, see above)

Save $300!!

This option is for students or graduates of our 200hr Teacher Training who wish to join the 300hr Advanced Online Teacher Training.



Need a payment plan? Contact us for a payment plan for the Online Teacher Training + Germany Retreat package deal.

Frequently Asked Questions

There is a non-refundable €250 administrative fee. Participants will receive a 50% refund of remaining tuition if requested 30 days or more before the course. No refunds will be issued less than 30 days in advance.  Submission of your payment indicates your acceptance of the cancellation policy.

Health Consideration Agreement:
We hope that COVID numbers will be low at the time of the retreat and we can enjoy singing freely without covering our mouths and noses.

We will consistently err on the side of caution, meeting or exceeding current official government guidelines and recommendations from leading epidemiologists to protect the vulnerable among us.

There are 3 levels of Covid consideration we have to mention:

  1. NATIONAL: Each nation's (and each airline's) travel policies are your sole responsibility to navigate. (Vaccination, masking, immigration, visas, etc.)
  2. LODGING: Any lodging place you book may have different requirements and it's your responsibility to navigate.

    (In other words, whether or not you're allowed to travel, admitted into the country, or able to check in to your lodging is your responsibility.)
  3. RETREAT: Our Heart of Sound retreat house/teaching space  requires another set of group agreements (below) because we're in an intimate sound space together, singing!

    There will be some ventilation in most settings but not enough to consider ourselves protected if a participant has an active infection and sings their aerosol droplets into the room.

    It's a risk we're willing to take IF everyone abides by the precautions as needed.

In order to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone, we'll consistently err on the side of caution. The retreat can only meet its potential if everyone remains healthy! If serious illness is spreading, it puts a huge damper on our time together.

HOS Community Health Agreements

  1. We have no interest in debating the efficacy of standard public health measures such as vaccinations or masks.
  2. We also have no wish to police your personal health choices.
  3. Please respect others’ choices to wear a mask at any time they wish.
  4. We request that everyone be fully vaccinated for Covid-19 according to the latest definition by the WHO or American Centers for Disease Control (or your own government's equivalent agency) at the time of the retreat.
  5. Whether or not you're vaccinated, by registering for the Germany Retreat you confirm you are willing to employ any and all of the safety measures we deem necessary at the time, including:

    -Take a rapid test daily each morning before practice
    -Wear a mask in the retreat house if community spread is high
    -Wear a mask around other retreat participants, in your room with your roommates, and in the retreat house at all times, if you feel the slightest bit sick.
    -Stay in our retreat bubble and mask up when in close contact with people outside our bubble
    -Remove yourself from the practices altogether if you are feeling ill or have virus symptoms (fever, cough, sneezing, etc.)

  6. Please bring your own supply of the latest, most accurate rapid tests available at your time of travel (1 for each day of classes) and remedies for covid/flu as recommended by your doctors and wellness practitioners.

The retreat will be taught mostly in English, with translation to German as needed. 

Check in on Sunday September 1st is from 4PM. We will enjoy an opening circle, short chant practice, and a shared meal together this evening.

Starting Monday September 2nd our daily schedule will be:

Sunrise 6:30 AM
Optional 7:00 AM Sāvitrī Gāyatrī mantra meditation by the lake (led by Anandra and TT students) 
Silent mornings: personal time, breakfast and beverages on your own

8:00-10:00 Heart of Sound Practice (DON'T MISS THIS!)
kitchen help

11:00 - 12:00 Circle w/Anandra for Q&A, sharing experiences, skills questions

12:00 Lunch
free time & kitchen help
16:00-17:00 As inspired!
- Yin yoga & self-massage yogāsana for sound-based practices
- Dance therapy
- TT student practice time, chant experiments, etc.
17:15-18:30 Kīrtan song circle w/Aleah Gītañjali, Christina Sangita & HOS TT students/graduates
18:30 Dinner
free time & kitchen help
Sunset 20:00

Checkout will be by 10am, after a morning practice and breakfast on Saturday September 7th.

Schedule Notes:
Each participant is assigned 1 hour of kitchen or common space duties per day.

Private mentorship or voice coaching sessions may be scheduled with Anandra during breaks.

We reserve the right to adjust the schedule and substitute chant leaders to best serve everyone’s needs and capacities.

Is this a teacher training? Yes and no.

Our primary purpose of gathering is to enjoy our practices together.

There is a training element, as multiple levels of teacher trainees will be present and growing their skills.

However, no foundational lectures or basic skills classes will be offered during this retreat. The core curriculum for the Heart of Sound training is much more effectively offered online, where trainees can absorb at their own pace.

Does it count towards my teacher training? Yes!

If you're currently enrolled in the (online) teacher training, this will be an extraordinary delight!

The retreat fulfills 50 hours of your teacher training requirements - tick off the boxes on your self-study map ✅ for each daily retreat session.

If you review the schedule above, you'll find time to nerd out with fellow trainees too for optional, self-guided buddy practices and fulfill additional requirements.

Not a teacher training student yet?

If you wish to get teacher training level content and count attendance hours towards your certification, please enroll in the Online Teacher Training now and get a head start before arriving to the Germany retreat. 

Package deals are available to buy both the retreat & the teacher training together, saving you $$$!

We'd recommend getting to at least Phase 8 of the Self-Study Map for the 200hr program before arriving. At a minimum, please get through Module 4 of the Sacred Sanskrit Sounds course.

Yes, absolutely! We would love to have you attend the retreat only. You will have free time in the schedule to enjoy the beautiful lakeside location.

Included with your retreat purchase is our Sanskrit Mantra 101 online course ($199 value).

After you purchase the retreat you'll be granted access to the course. After your purchase, look out for an email with your login link or login to your Heart of Sound account to access it.

Please complete this course before our time together to get the most out of our practices.

Address of retreat house
Uferstraße 39
24536 Neumünster 
Germany (Schleswig-Holstein) 

Map link:

Getting there
The retreat house is located 15 minute walk from Einfeld train station.
Pick up at the station can be arranged if required.
The train in Einfeld runs several times an hour.
Einfeld is 40 minutes by train from Hamburg.

Plenty of parking is available at the retreat house if you are driving.

Sept 1
16:00 Arrival and checkin for guests staying at the house

17:30-17:45 Retreat participants staying elsewhere should arrive

18:00 Opening circle
18:45 Dinner together

Sept 2-6
5 full days of retreat schedule

Sept 7
10 AM Morning checkout / departure

Accommodation in the retreat house is in 2 separate dormitories, 15 beds total. (See Photo Gallery above for image of one of the rooms) 

The price for accommodation in the retreat house is €240 (€40 per night x 6 nights)

If you would prefer to stay in private accommodation we can provide you information on close by AirBnBs and small hotels, walking distance from the retreat house. 

Our meals will be home-cooked nutritious vegetarian food. Vegan and gluten free options will be available.

The price for all meals in the retreat house is €230 (€40 per full day x 5, + €30 for 1st dinner & 7th breakfast).

If staying offsite, you can choose whether to have your meals in the retreat house or arrange your own.


Let us know if you need any other assistance.


Germany Retreat Registration

Complete the form below to register for the Germany retreat. 

Payment will go direct to the owner of the retreat house.
When you submit your completed form, you will receive info by email about making your payment. 

Please send a screenshot of your payment to [email protected]Once payment is made, your spot will be confirmed.

If you have questions before registering, or you do not receive the payment info email, please contact [email protected].